
Longtime commenter and NARN caller Fresch Fisch is finally, finally blogging.

And it’s not like there’s a shortage of material.  Fisch turns his gimlet eye on Minneapolis’ rather oddly-prioritized budget:

In the coming weeks Minneapolis will start cutting police, fire and street maintenance. All because they will not be getting LGA money from the state. So, cut essentials first, then add goofy stuff like this.http://www.tcdailyplanet.net/article/2009/02/06/bike-sharing-planned-minneapolis.html

That’s right! Amost “Yellow Bikes”! I am glad the writer, Jon Behm, did admit that the Saint Paul Yellow bike program was a disaster.

So, while the light bulbs will not be getting changed in the street lights, Minneapolis will find room for bike sharing.

How long will the voters of Minneapolis submit to not only being a one-party city, but such a badly-run one?

6 thoughts on “Warped

  1. “How long will the voters of Minneapolis submit to not only being a one-party city, but such a badly-run one?” Dunno, but Detroit and New Orleans are sad testimonies to the self-delusions that Dems are capable of

  2. Meanwhile, not to be outdone in Saint Paul, Mayor Chris Coleman is shielding his bicycle advisory board by laying off firemen and delaying road maintenance.

    In addition to 7 citizen members, the board includes:
    A staff member from Public Works
    A staff member from Planning & Economic Development
    A staff member from Parks & Recreation
    A staff member from Saint Paul Police Department

    Coleman is also running interference to shield his new Human Rights department, despite the fact that both the state *and* Ramsey county have such offices in the city.

    Property taxes in Saint Paul have risen 38% since Coleman took office, and he is advising citizens that he’s going to be *forced* to raise them yet again.

    Your Democrat leaders are on the job, ladies and gentlemen.

  3. Mitch, don’t you know that all the quality of life improvements the Democrats will give Minneapolis will eliminate the need for police and fire departments?

    Or something like that …

    Or it’ll be greedy right wing capitalists’ fault.

    Anybody but their fault.

  4. Can I just ask for “anything relating to the fence construction at the corner of Broadway and Central”, or do I need to be specific in what I ask for?

    You link is for federal agencies. Do the same requirements apply for cities?

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