3 thoughts on “Reinforcement

  1. Truth in the new century:

    1. Saying the “N” word is worse than murder. (#See O.J. Simpson Case)
    2. A “white hispananic” rates lower than a “white african american.”
    3. “Our people” need protection in the Zimmerman case but not in the lacrosse case (’cause they ain’t “our people.”)
    4. Where do we go from here?
    5. MLK had the answer but had he survived he would have…

    # The O.J. Simpson case was a phenomenon. O.J. was guilty of murder, but one of the guys who brought him in to the station used common slurs and so he was sent free.

  2. If things go predictably, the Missouri rodeo clown will be experiencing some of this sort of justice.

    Aside from the local NAACP howling for a federal investigation, the White House took time from less important things (like Egypt) to express displeasure over the blasphemy of a clown daring to wear a President Obama mask.

    I look forward to the final disposition from DC. Unfortunately for the clown (rodeo version), he has been dismissed from his position, is awaiting word on his “charges”, and is probably receiving some very interesting but unsettling phone calls. Hopefully he will be spared, but that determination will not be cheap.

    These events are reminiscent of the old Twilight Zone episode in which a sadistic eight-year-old boy has complete control of the physical environment and has all the grown-ups bowing and scraping in fear for their lives …

  3. We can spend resources prosecuting George Zimmerman’s wife, but not to prosecute the IRS agents who illegally used politics as a pretext for audits. OK….

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