Barbarians At The Barbeque

Zack over at MNPublius noticed a story that caught his attention over on the Strib:

Given that North Dakota has…:

  • almost identical SAT, ACT, and IQ scores as Minnesota, and…
  • vastly-better high school graduation rates, and…
  • …at the moment a much more recession-proof economy, and does all this…
  • …while spending a fraction of what Minnesota does per capita, using…
  • …a legislature that meets every other year and that otherwise keeps out of peoples’ hair, and…
  • …still pays legislators $5/day (they haven’t gotten a raise since the 19th century…

…I thought “Yay.  My home state is finally doing something to keep hapless Minnesotans from sabotaging the place, the way Californians have mangled Colorado”. 

Alas, it was not to be: the Predators are supposed to keep Canadians, running from their own liberals’ power-grab, isolated on their side of the border.

Zack from MNPublius:

It’s about time the government did something about the swarms of North Dakota freeloaders taking advantage of their state’s proximity to ours.

We come here for the nightlife. 

We stay to convert the place, in good time, to “East Dakota”.

All in good time.

6 thoughts on “Barbarians At The Barbeque

  1. Unfortunately, North Dakota is recession-proof because so much has vanished already. There are only a few dozen people remaining in the former boom town of Ambrose, where my grandfather was a pastor. They don’t even have enough kids to vandalize all the abandoned homes and other buildings.

  2. 2% higher graduation rates qualifies as “vastly better high school graduation rates,” Mitch? :^)

    On the down side, Gov. Hoeven is pushing for a 26% spending increase this legislative session after a 24% increase last time. They’ve got liberals there, too.

  3. There are a serveral things certain about the folks that come here from the Dakotas’, they aren’t a drag on the liberal welfare system, THEY WORK AND PAY TAXES.

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