
Joe Doakes from Como Park writes:

Exit polling shows the Marriage Amendment was defeated by Baby Boomers, not by Gen X or Millennial voters.

Baby Boomers – the “Me” Generation – already changed America, and not for the better. They seem bent on continuing: tearing down traditional foundations of society and running up endless debt while preening their moral superiority for doing it.

Here’s the question: after the Baby Boomers are gone, can the nation recover? Or will they take it to the grave with them?

Joe Doakes

Como Park

I blame The Doors.

2 thoughts on “Boomed

  1. I do believe a lot of my generation contributed to the social decline. Many of my college buds can’t escape the gravitational pull of “social justice,” “social equity” and relativism because they never learned critical thought, only “group think.”

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