Let The Backfire Begin

Some anonymous nutslap leftyblogger on Daily Kos started the meme (warning; article has over 1,600 comments on Sunday, and takes forever to load) in re Sarah Palin’s youngest:

Sarah Palin was not pregnant with child.

Her sixteen year-old daughter was.

Checking with the Anchorage High School that Bristol Palin attended, reporters were given word that her family had taken Bristol out of school due to contracting infectious mononucleosis. The amount of time Bristol was absent shifts from five to eight months.

Mono can last anywhere from two weeks to three months, but an eight month infection is a freak oddity. Yet it remains a common excuse given by girls in private & Catholic schools around the nation when pregnancy comes into play. Not the first time, not the last time.

The “writer” slings together a whole lot of circumstantial…not even “evidence” so much as “overbroad observations” (writer seems to presume all women carry pregnancies and belly fat the same way) and just-plain-overreaches (I’ll let you all pick ’em out; it’s both too depressing and hilarious).

Some of the less-capable leftybloggers have been passing the meme around.

I suspect the rumor – like most everything on the Kos – is BS.

But what if it’s not? What if Sarah Palin is raising her grandson? What if she did, as the Kossack stated (in a pretty laughably unconvincing case), feign her own pregnancy and conceal her daughter’s?

In other words – what if she put her pro-family, pro-life money where her mouth is? What if she actually walked her walk in a way that was not just political, but infinitesimally personal?

What if she lived her family values in a way that Joe Biden hasn’t even thought about fabulizing from whole cloth yet?

Not that I want to dignify this rumor with the faintest shred of a presumption of legitimacy – the “writer’s” “case” is that dull-witted – but if it’s true, I think it is even further proof that Sarah Palin is the real thing.

And that hurts the ticket not at all.

UPDATE:  Hypotheticals aside, it is BS.

18 thoughts on “Let The Backfire Begin

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is Bevis and Butthead.
    “It was her daughter’s bay.”
    “Heh heh, so much for family values, heh heh.”
    “They still shoulda put it down.”

  2. They are not even original. This was a plot from Desperate Housewives last season – Marcia Cross’s teenage daughter was pregnant and Marcia pretended to be pregnant herself and then raise her grandchild as her own kid.

  3. see-dubya at Michelle Malkin’s blog has the definitive takedown on this meme:

    But wait–let’s assume for a second that this goofy idea is true. Let’s say for a second that Governor Palin decided to adopt her daughter’s unplanned special-needs child and present him to the world as her own…

    That would make her kind of a saint, wouldn’t it?

    And wouldn’t it be an interesting contrast to the Democratic candidate, who was willing to abort his hypothetical grandchildren to remove the “burden” of an unplanned pregnancy?

    “Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”


  4. I have a niece, she’s 4 years old, and possibly one of the brightest and most beautiful little girl I know. I saw this stuff and it made me turn bright red and smokin’. If something like this happened to my sister, I dunno what I’d do.

    But, this type of stuff really is the reason why I’m close to giving up on political stuff as a whole. The disgusting and utterly stupid stuff that’s been put forth by the left-wing lunatics out there has just turned my hope for a great campaign into a desire to toss my media away and go back to listening to music and watching VH-1 Classic.

  5. According to this article in Townhall, the “baby bump” photo the libs are circulating of Sarah Palin’s daughter was published in the Anchorage Daily News in 2006 — TWO YEARS before baby Trig was born. So the story is false.

    The liberals are soooo quick to tell you how they have the monopoly on tolerance — that it’s those evil conservatives who are racist, sexist, anti-gay whatever. I think this election will expose their hypocrisy. Let the games begin. Let’s see the Democrats’ true colors. Let’s see how they really treat a woman candidate running for office. Going after Sarah Palin’s 16-year old daughter is a good first indication of what slime-bags these people really are.

  6. “I suspect the rumor – like most everything on the Kos – is BS.

    But what if it’s not?”

    That way lies madness. Just do NOT engage their desperate BS. You only serve to spread their filth further than it would otherwise reach. And I have a hard time thinking that would be distasteful to those spreading it in the first place.

  7. That way lies madness. Just do NOT engage their desperate BS.

    “Turning it on them” is not “engaging”!

  8. I’m pulling from earlier in the book. I endevor not to lay claim to wisdom. I’m the Anti-Peev.

  9. Yes Kermit, you are not wise, but then again, neither did I claim to be. You, however, have a website dedicated to your ‘knowledge’ above that of the local paper.

    Mitch, like most things here, your denial of this story, was unfortunately, BS (also known as wrong). As you obviously have learned – from KOS (remember, that site you don’t read) and others, Bristol Palin is pregnant. Abstinance programs are for brain dead fools who think they’ll work – they don’t – yet more proof of the unwise policies of the right.

    Oh, and as for judgement – you know, that think you try to pin on Obama as lacking in, Palin backed Pat Buchanon in 2000 – yeah, that Pat Buchanon – the rabid homophobe, nutjob bigot. Next to that decision, working with, from time to time, Bill Ayers seems a trifle insignificant. But hey, lets not make this about the politics of cult/smear/attack, shall we? I mean, THAT’d never happen. Not here.

    Daily KOS 1
    Scared of the Dark 0

    And for the record Mitch, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you effectively turn anything on Daily KOS, or any other even halfway decent “center-left” website. The reverse cannot be said regarding them of you.

    BTW Kerm – if you go through life trying to be anti-everything, pretty much, you’re nothing. That’s sad.

    /glad to be counted among the fools by the tragically arrogant – Penigma

  10. To be clear, Daily Kos reported rumors of Bristol Palin’s pregnancy. They had the timing off – no doubt – but hardly the fact of the pregnancy.

  11. Mitch,

    I hereby retract what I said above – I looked at stories before(above) the one you mentioned, as the one you linked would not successfully load (ever). Obviously, Sara Palin’s 4th child isn’t Bristol’s – no, Bristol’s is Bristol’s. Dailly Kos should be ashamed to run that kind of crap. It reminds me of something you’d see on Pair O’ Dice.

    It was about as accurate as Swift Boaters, I suppose, and just as demagogic.

    So, correcting the score –

    Mitch .5 (they were wrong about the origin of Palin’s child, you were wrong about it being entirely BS (that Bristol was pregnant – which probably actually started the story).
    Kos .5, but fined -1 for low class conduct.

  12. Palin backed Pat Buchanon in 2000 – yeah, that Pat Buchanon – the rabid homophobe, nutjob bigot. Next to that decision, working with, from time to time, Bill Ayers seems a trifle insignificant.
    Peev, Bill Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist who sought to use violent means to overthrow the united states government. Obama lives in close proximity to Ayers & worked with him on politically oriented projects.
    Palin endorsed Forbes, not Buchanan in 2000. She worked on Forbes F’n election committee.
    Another false bit of ‘information’ you gleaned from Koss?

  13. Bill Ayers bombed police stations & the Pentagon, & to this day, claims he wishes he had done more…

    Pat BuchANAN, yes that Pat BuchANAN, is merely a conservative isolationist. Not my cup of tea, but not what your keepers want you to believe him to be either.

    This idea that supporting a major presidential candidate with views that the left does not like is worse than BOMBING GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, KILLING AND MAIMING PEOPLE… Well let’s just say, it’s good that you admit you do not claim to have any wisdom, because you are an utter fool.

  14. Penigma, nice try at bait and switch, but the claim on Taegliches Kot was that Trig was the daughter’s child, and a fair amount of cruel abuse was heaped on the governor based on a two year old photo.


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