Think about it for just a moment…








McCain/Clinton ’08

It would do a couple things:

1) Crush Obama/Biden by stealing half of Obama’s base

2) and picking up almost all the women (figure of speech)

3) Remove a liberal from the Senate (although most likely to be replaced by another)

4) Force congress to reach across the isle (?)

It’s better than McCain/Lieberman (hopefully that never had a chance) and even Hillary in the White House is far better than Obama/Blowhard Biden.

Okay. The moment’s up. As you were.

4 thoughts on “Think about it for just a moment…

  1. If McCain wins we will lose another seat. Napolitano will replace him with another Boxer. But then we get a chance to put a conservative in his seat when the term is up!

    If he take Lieberman with him we will lose another pro war on terror vote. No chance on getting a conservative here.

    If Barry wins Biden and O’bama both get replaced with hard core mad libs.

  2. Pingback: Shot in the Dark » Blog Archive » On McCain’s Choice of Sarah Palin

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