UPDATE: Grand Jury In Crow Wing County

As I noted earlier today, the Crow Wing County Attorney’s office is empaneling a grand jury starting next Tuesday.

I have learned since then from a source close to the case that the Crow Wing County Attorney has evidence that four residents of the Clark Lake chain of group homes in the Brainerd Lakes area, whose names were found on the county’s absentee voter list for the 2010 election,  had court orders ruling them ineligible to vote.

More tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “UPDATE: Grand Jury In Crow Wing County

  1. This is where fraud occurs. I really don’t care about voter ID laws. If people are voting twice or out of their district….I just don’t see that being very common. The vouching system is ripe for abuse, but there to, perhaps not very widespread outside of large cities. But we hear antidotal stories all the time about what goes on in nursing homes. Or in this case a group home.

    And a single voter voting twice (in 2 different locations), is a fraud of 1 vote. If a single person walks through a nursing home with absentee ballots and gets 15 votes for his/her candidate, then the person has a fraud of 15 votes. Multiply this by all the alleged/antidotal stories and you see the potential for swinging a close election.

  2. Or you have 200-300 U of MN students who normally live elsewhere. Decide on election day that they want to vote in MN rather than in their home state. Same thing at UMD, Hamline, Macalaster, Winona etc. And Governor goofy gets elected.

  3. There is significant proof that voter ID requirements actually increase voter turn out because people feel that there is indeed integrity in their election system. Of course, people like Doggy and the rest of her liberat minions will argue against them for all of their lame assed reasons, so they can keep “electing” their micreants into office. It is hysterical that photo ID’s are required to buy cigarettes, alcohol, cash checks (in most cases), use a credit card for major purchases (in some cases), get account information at your bank or credit union and even buy cold medicine, yet heaven forbid we ask for it when someone votes. And, the requirement to show the ID just to purchase cold medicine is thanks to druggies like the ones holding the block parties that are currently being staged in several cities.

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