Oh, It’s Not Over. Nosireeebob.

Kouba at TvM notes the inevitable:

One more thing. If you think roads are the only thing the DFL will say needs urgent fixing right now or we’ll all die, take another look at this post.

State Rep. Mindy Greiling, DFL-Roseville, says bipartisan accord is within reach on a new, simpler funding formula for K-12 education, one better tied to what up-to-the-standards schooling actually costs.

All that’s needed, she said, to sell the Legislature on the recommendations likely to come out of a task force she cochairs is (drum roll, please) more money. A cool $1 billion more per year, phased in over a few years, would do the job.

A billion dollars?

So – still think there’s no difference between the parties?

10 thoughts on “Oh, It’s Not Over. Nosireeebob.

  1. It’s never enough. We could give 100% of our paychecks to the schools and they’d still say they need more.

  2. There is a difference between the parties: The Democrats propose ridiculous spending increases, the Republicans simply approve them.

  3. Actually, Mr. D, I’m not interested in how many Democrats acted like Democrats. What I care about is the alarming number of Republicans that acted like Democrats. And from now on I will remember to add the [/joke] tag to my comments.

  4. Not funny: Transportation funding
    Funny: The gnashing of teeth and thumping of chests by ineffectual policy wonks who have vastly overestimated their own influence.
    Funnier: Reps Heidgerken (R) and Erhardt (R) advising said wonks to go f*ck themselves.

  5. Funnier still: Erhardt was relieved of his command, which was lead GOPer on the Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Taxes Committee. Couldn’t have been that much of a surprise, unless you define “tax relief” as the deep, abiding satisfaction you get when you know they’re going up.

  6. Funny: The gnashing of teeth and thumping of chests by ineffectual policy wonks who have vastly overestimated their own influence.

    Funniest – perpetually-dyspeptic comment trolls who think they’re inside the minds of the host.

    I dont’ “overestimate” anything. I’m a guy with a blog. I’m writing for the benefit of the 2,500-odd people who read me every day. That’s my influence, and I’m perfectly fine with that. I am, at best, the butterfly flapping his wings in the Amazon. And we know how that story sometimes ends…

    Funnier: Reps Heidgerken (R) and Erhardt (R) advising said wonks to go f*ck themselves.

    a. They need to buy me dinner first; I wno’t be able to afford it.

    b. All I’m doing is urging their constituents to return the favor.

    That’d be “funniest-est”.

  7. Hey, if the schools are willing to commit to bringing every kid up to the standards (rather than bringing the standards down to the kids) for $1B, GO FOR IT! We’ve increased spending on schools by something like $7 billion in the last few years, and the schools haven’t improved one bit! Maybe the educrats and union toadies would like to explain why Minnesota schools that spend less have better results than the schools that spend more? Couldn’t we improve all schools– as the statistics clearly show– by CUTTING state spending on education?

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