
Governor Dayton vetoed all the GOP  budget bills, casting his vote for continued autopilot budget increases, an eternal burden on the state’s productive class, and forcing the rest of us to work ’til we’re 70 so that Dayton’s union supporters can retire at 55.

But at least Minnesota’s brewers got their money’s worth:

On the same day he vetoed most of the GOP-backed budget bills, Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill allowing beer sales at a proposed new brewery and restaurant.

Minnesotans; broke, getting broker, force to be “happy to be paid for a better Minnesota” – but at least we can drink.

Keep ’em drunk and dependent.  Could be a state motto.

15 thoughts on “Priorities

  1. Now all we need is a waiver for racino, a new football stadium and an extension of unemployment benefits.

  2. Brave Sir Mark strikes again. Nice to see a clinically diagnosed manic depressive has the spare time to carry out “symbolic” vetoes and pander to his left-wing radical moonbats.

  3. I see that there are efforts in Chicago to build a casino or two within the city, to “solve the budget deficit” in that city.

    Wait, I thought the 10% sales tax was to solve the budget problems. I’m confused.

    Surely they are not saying that no matter how much they raise taxes, they will always outspend the income.

  4. One nice thing this time around: they can’t blame the legislature for the shutdown. When TPaw was governor we saw all the media blame the governor for “shutting down the government” when he vetoed the legislature’s budget, so we now have the template that governor veto of legislative budget == government shutdown. Right MSM/DFL? Right?!

  5. nerdbert, they have double standards exactly for this senario.

    Here’s the deal; you give me $4000. (Because you are a nice person and I could use an extra $4K.)

    OK, if you don’t agree to that then you have to meet me half way and hand over $2000.

  6. Heh. The DFL and the local media (ptr) will blame the GOP regardless. It’s a liberal bulwark: double standards. They are both obvious and pathetic.

  7. If anyone has any doubts about how the MN MSM will spin this, here is an exerpt from the Strib article:

    “Republicans who control the Legislature presented a $34 billion budget that wiped out the deficit solely through cuts. Dayton wants to mitigate budget cuts by raising taxes on Minnesota’s highest earners.”

    Note how the word “cuts” is used, as if there would be a reduction in the dollar amount in the budget, when in fact only the auto-pilot increases are stopped.

    Forever Rachel.

  8. Conservatives have to get past the notion that the DFL or the media (ptr) is going to be anything less than hostile to us. Waiting for the press to say nice things about us is like having your two-year-old feed the dingo.

  9. I don’t have a problem with the beer law (unless the owners were Dayton contributers). I see the Cossettas thing much worse, where they got special favors from the St Paul city council due to their connections. Favors that other businesses who aren’t connected, don’t get. And I say this as a big Cossettas fan.

  10. K-Rod, if it weren’t for double standards liberals wouldn’t have any standards at all.

  11. nerdbert, they have double standards exactly for this senario.

    That’s pretty much the truth. When we had a government shutdown in the 1990s, it was almost uniformly blamed by the MSM on Congress which at that time was controlled by Republicans. Some of the articles I read had mentioned a previous shutdown in the 1980s and I remember looking up some of the articles that were written at that time . . . which almost uniformly blamed President Reagan for the shutdown.

  12. Kermit, I’ll give you the same royalty treatment Obama did when he toasted the Queen.

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