Sad Sack

Question:  Is there a worse editorial cartoonist in America than the Strib’s Steve Sack?

No, not Ted Rall – while he’s more morally depraved than Sack, he doesn’t work for a paper.

No, not Ken “Avidor” Weiner – he’s not an editorial cartoonist.

Here’ s his latest excretion “creation”:

In addition to the tired “Bachmann is teh crazee” meme, we add “Pawlenty is crazy”.

Pawlenty?  Huh?

I’m just wondering where the DFL attaches the control wires.

2 thoughts on “Sad Sack

  1. If only the wingnuts had their own “F*** the Troops” blah-ger to call up the Hack Named Sack and prank him with a phony congratulations for stickin’ it to the er, woman and afflicting the comfortable Timmeh. Of course it would only go so far as the right-o-sphere as left wing mysogony and rich boy hypocrisy is celebrated throughout the media. The Hack Named Sack will probably win a Pulitzer for his ‘incisive’ commentary.

  2. No talent cartoonist Ken Weiner gets name recognition at a third rate porno rag.

    Changes his name and tries to ride legitimately talented cartoonists (R. Crumb) cottails; fails miserably.

    Lengthy spiral into mental illness and obscurity followed by a desperate attempt to gain noteriety as an internet stalker.

    Avidor’s story is a lot like Robert Downey Jr.’s, except without the rise from the ashes.

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