Double Standard

Remember last year, when the regional media furrowed its stately brow and pondered whether the Tea Party was “racist”…

because of an ambiguous sign?

Apparently the media isn’t curious about mass movements any more, since conservative bloggers have been documenting enough reprehensible, repulsive signage in Madison to re-side every shanty in Port-Au-Prince.

Here’s the latest, via Dana Loesch:

Note:  Someone at a “progressive” rally is calling for gang rape of female Tea Partiers.

It should go without saying that if this were at a Tea Party rally, it’d be getting dissected this morning on every news show in the country.

UPDATE: Everytime I see the left’s “civility for we, but violence/gang-rape for thee” vibe in action, I think about this post here.

4 thoughts on “Double Standard

  1. Mitch, you make an assumption that he wants to gang rape a female Tea Partier. We don’t know that.

  2. Meh. I wish I could get more excited about the double standard the PTR media has for Liberal/Progressive awfulness, but I just can’t. It has gone on for so long that it has a dog-bites-man quality to it. If you are going to be a Republican/Conservative politician, guess what – you are going to be villified (Gov. Walker with a Hitler mustache), your children will be ridiculed (how Chief Justice John Roberts chose to dress his children for a family portrait) and your private life – particularly your sex life – will be judged by people who claim to be non-judgemental (former Rep Chris Lee sends shirtless pics to a woman who is not his spouse and Gawker breaks the story because well, uh, Lee voted against repealing DADT). Oh, and if you are black or gay or a woman or a Jew (or some combination of a traditional minority group) AND Republican/Conservative – well you’ve just given the Liberal/Progressives license to get out all their racist, bigoted, homophobic, mysoginistic and/or anti-Semitic hate on you (and believe you me, there is a lot of festering bigotry in the Liberal/Progressive camp – just listen to one of them for more than 5 minutes after you bring up Clarence Thomas or big city crime statistics and/or school results – you’ll think you have been transported back to 1950’s small town Alabama).

  3. Seflores said:

    “Meh. I wish I could get more excited about the double standard the PTR media has for Liberal/Progressive awfulness, but I just can’t. It has gone on for so long that it has a dog-bites-man quality to it.”

    True, but it’s helpful to keep in mind specific examples of media multiple standards for the next wave of pretend outrage. *shrug*

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