Happenstance of History

A DFLer friend of mine sent me this photo of Kathy Lantry, Mayor Coleman and Dave Thune at one of the DFL victory parties last night:

Oh, that was a cheap shot.  I’m sorry. 

But, as Sheila notes with her usual impeccable timing, it is the anniversary of the Russian Revolution today.

She describes with her usual pithy passion her fascination with the Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiva [1]:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: any time some politician starts talking to you about Utopia, grab your loved ones and run for the hills. Make sure you are heavily armed. Utopianism is one step away from totalitarianism. In order to actually achieve any kind of Utopia, the individual must be ground to powder. There can be no individuals in a Utopia. But …. er … no matter what you do, you cannot get rid of the individual. Totalitarian states don’t care that their very IDEAS are illogical. They just want absolute power.

This is the secret in the secret book in 1984. This is what nobody told you, although their actions spoke loud and clear. The point was NEVER equality. The point was ALWAYS power – and controlling power into the hands of a very few. But the theories and ideals surrounding this secret were compelling to so many … many still refuse to believe that there is no secret. That the smokescreen of equality was STILL the real point.

Apropos – as they say – nothing.

[1] I’m fully aware that I may have the adjective and noun endings wrong.  So sueski ya, sin zuk sikkim.

20 thoughts on “Happenstance of History

  1. Red Baiting.. so clever, so funny, yuk yuk yuck.

    Hitler, err Bush, recently called Goebbels, err Rove.. to discuss the fate of Ribbentropp err Rice.

    funny, funny stuff.. I’m sure you’re sorry, after all, if you were sorry, you’d have not posted it – or retracted it – so clearly, what you meant to say was, “I’m going to say something childish and hateful – but, ITS A JOKE, funny huh?” yep.

    BTW – can’t say I’m a Russian expert – don’t think you said you spoke it either- but I think your name for the October Revolution is the name of the Russian Battleship Gangut renamed to Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiva.

    Was your friend fascinated with the ship, or with the actual revolution, which I guess or read is referred to as..

    Velikaya Oktyabr’skaya Sotsialisticheskaya Revolyutsiya

    So it isn’t that your noun or adjective ending wrong, it’s that you used the wrong source of the name.. but hey, it’s a difference of no distinction but when has THAT ever stopped anyone here from pretentiousness of expertise?

  2. You’re damn skippy, Mitch.

    You just watch if those Soviet-loving Demokrats elect Chillary. She’s just the kind of totalitarian wannabe who’ll detain people without trial, tap our phones, and torture suspects in secret prisons.

    Don’t laugh, it could happen.

  3. Well, Clinton victim Kathleen Willey does say that she things Bill and Hillary murdered her husband.

  4. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/staticarticles/article58533.html

    “”It was Ed Willey’s dire financial straits that prompted Kathleen, then a White House volunteer, to seek a meeting with President Clinton in the Oval Office to plead for a paying job and any other help the commander-in-chief could give.

    But Willey alleges the Nov. 29, 1993, meeting ended abruptly when the president cornered her in a private passageway and sexually assaulted her.

    At the time of that meeting, Clinton and Willey were unaware that Ed Willey was lying dead of a gunshot wound to his mouth in the woods near his car, parked on a hunting path in rural King and Queen County, Virginia””

    Saying it doesn’t make it so, especially when her timeline is hosed right off the bat.

    People how push this stuff must be the same ones that believe Bush had something to do with 9/11 Sheeesh

    Oh, and Slash, quite being such a conspiracist, too. No president would ever stoop to those tactics!


  5. I did like the headline that that accusation gave, err, rise to: “Clinton Says He Did Nothing Improper with Willey”.

    Clinton Derangement Syndrome looks, at least from this perspective, like a slightly less virulent counterpart to BDS. That said, I’m not sure that CDS II isn’t going to be just as bad, if Hillary wins next year.

  6. If I could post a picture, it would be a of a pregnant teen – with this as the description and a headline of “Just say NO! (to sex)”


    Yet another GRAND idea of the right wing goes awry… instead of working, abstinance only winds up being a big waste of taxpayer dollars. Say it isn’t so, Joe!… kinda like claiming communism was the root of all evil, and now, just substitute liberal for ‘commun’ – and you have the same old schtick, the same old blame the other guy – no responsibility for answers group of clowns leading us down the same path that McCarthy did.

    Perhaps next, you can trot out the evils of flouridation of the water, Mitch, it’s about as timely as callling liberals communists.. .and just about as relevant, accurate or valid of a point.

    Perhaps after that we can talk about how well Nancy Reagan’s “Just say NO!” to drugs worked as a program to stop drugs, the same drug epedimic you pointed to yesterday as peaking in the mid90’s – yep, sure did work.

    But hey.. it’s hardly fair to hold you accountable for programs that did nothing, and you liked it that way, because they COST nothing… no, no, it’s far more fair to trot out pictures of Trotsky, and just about as constructive… but rather than hold you accountable for yet another failed program – let’s call the libs communists, that will help.

  7. If I could post a picture…

    …then you could certainly figure out how to keep your comment germane.

  8. Yes, CDS was wacky, but at least it wasn’t in Congress.

    Let’s see,
    Slick fathered a black child
    Bill has aids
    Clintons had a couple of dozen people murdered
    Hillary has had several lesbian affairs (this one came up again last week)
    And probably some others.

  9. I think peevish is just attempting to steer the conversation, Yossarian.
    Like a bumper car.

  10. Good intentions will always be pleaded for any assumption of power. The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.

    -Daniel Webster

  11. Flash sez her timeline is hosed right off the bat.

    How is her time line hosed? What time line?

  12. Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiva literally translates to October Revolution. Everyone knows what Mitch was talking about – the other verbiage is extemporaneous, sort of like most of peev’s posts. See, I did not even have to spell peev’s full name, everyone knows who I’m talking about!

  13. Ya know, MoN, this is never about the truth and reality with you, it is about getting people to chase their tail. No answer will ever satisfy you unless it comes from MDE and the likes, but I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    The timeline is hosed because Ms Whiley never had any issues with the Clintons until after the alleged encounter and after Ed committed suicide. Specifically:


    She said she felt comfortable approaching the president about a job because they had been friends since she and her husband were involved in Clinton’s 1992 campaign. Ms. Willey, a Democrat who lives in Richmond, Va., donated money to Clinton’s presidential campaigns and says she admired his political positions.

    So even in 1998, including her deposition under oath, there doesn’t appear to be speculation on her part that there was any foul play involved in her husband’s suicide.

    I have not come across when she first made this latest allegation, but it is clear that the time line is hosed.

    I don’t expect any explanation coming from anyone other than a card carrying member of the NARN will suffice, but I was willing to give it one final shot.


  14. this is never about the truth and reality with you,

    I’m gonna save that line for the next time someone says I”m a GOP shill.


  15. Holy crap flash, all I did was ask a question for a clarification of your statement.

    But, with regards to your answer:

    “The timeline is hosed because Ms Whiley never had any issues with the Clintons until after the alleged encounter and after Ed committed suicide. Specifically:”

    This makes no sense. Why would Whiley have any suspicions about the Clinton’s involvement in her husband’s death BEFORE the death actually occurred?

    What does the time line of Whiley’s suspicions have anything to do with her allegations?

    “but it is clear that the time line is hosed.”

    Again, what is hosed?

    She has become suspicious as more information has come to her, isn’t that normally how that works? Just because she wasn’t suspicious at the moment of his death doesn’t mean she can’t be legitimately suspicious now? Nothing in your cnn link even mentions her suspicions about her husbands death, so I don’t know why you linked to it. Did you even read it?

  16. Oh, I forgot

    “this is never about the truth and reality with you,”

    for somebody as undeniably disingenuous as you to say this is laughable.

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