A Class Act Even Now

Former President Bush waxes transparently, assessing his own presidential shortcomings:

The former president said he still feels “sick about” the fact no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. His response to Hurricane Katrina could have been quicker, he said, and he should have landed Air Force One two days after the storm instead of viewing the destruction through the plane’s window. And he said he didn’t see the financial meltdown coming.




Why…Mr. President, did you have to do this on Oprah?

PS Don’t feel bad Mr. President. Warren Buffet and a the vast majority of the world of finance didn’t see it coming either.

Bush had nothing negative to say about President Barack Obama, whom Winfrey famously supported in 2008.

“I didn’t like it when people criticized me,” Bush said. “And so you’re not going to see me out there chirping away (at Obama). And I want our president to succeed. I love our country.”

George Bush may not have been conservative enough for many of us, but I believe he was honest in his dealings as President and he remains to this day one of the most respectable, reverent and selfless leaders to have ever occupied the White House.

…in stark contrast with The One there now.

11 thoughts on “A Class Act Even Now

  1. Carter is particularly classless; he was a louse as President, and a bigger louse as a former President!!!

  2. I heard President Bush plugging his book on Rush today. Rush asked why he hadn’t defended himself more from Democrat attacks, in and out of office. Bush made reference to the way Reagan left office, maligned in the press but beloved by ordinary people for his classiness upholding the prestige of the Office of the President.

    And he didn’t say “In contrast to the present Blamer In Chief and several former Anklebiters In Chief.” I would have.


  3. I’d love to hear W say that the problem of lack of class among former presidents was something he inherited, and it takes more than eight years to get that car out of the ditch. That would throw the One’s teleprompter into a snit.

    But I don’t have a problem with W going on Oprah-ironically it is completely appropriate for a former president, just not the current one.

  4. Dave;

    I agree with your last statement.

    Obumbler spends far too much time on useless TV shows. A truly objective citizen would have to ask why he thinks that doing so is more important than getting the budget balanced, reducing the country’s debt, etc.

    After he’s out of office, let’s just see if he admits his mistakes – like almost everything he’s done since he took office.

  5. It’s a fact of American life that going on Oprah helps sell books and W is marketing his book. Go for it! I bought the ebook version and am slowly working my way through it. I read Maureen Dowd’s column in which she said she almost wanted to like W after reading it. Imagine that, it might be possible to like someone you oppose politically. But then she snapped back into her liberal alternate reality and threw a few harpoons.

  6. The former president said he still feels “sick about” the fact no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. His response to Hurricane Katrina could have been quicker, he said, and he should have landed Air Force One two days after the storm instead of viewing the destruction through the plane’s window. And he said he didn’t see the financial meltdown coming.

    Sounds like a bad case of BDS to me.

  7. Unlike the Current Occupant who has concluded that the recent “shellacking” of the Democrat party was due to his “not communicating effectively”.

  8. DiscordianStooj said:

    “Sounds like a bad case of BDS to me”

    I must have missed the part where he said “I totally lied and am evil” or similar.

  9. I went through a long period of hearing how all of those criticisms of Bush were invalid and a case of BDS. Now he admits he says he screwed that stuff up. Not BDS anymore?

  10. Now he admits he says he screwed that stuff up. Not BDS anymore?

    Legitimate criticism was never BDS, Disco Stoo. It was the Chimpy McHitlerburton stuff that fit that bill. Trust me, plenty of conservatives were critical of Bush when it was warranted.

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