
I’m never going to be the one to pile on someone who freezes up at the thought of charging toward mortal danger.

It happens to the best of people; trained cops and soldiers freeze solid when the immediate threat becomes real. Even soldiers who’ve been there, over and over, will freeze up – think of the Gunner Sergeant from Percy Sledges memoir The Old Breed, who fought through battle after battle against the Japanese, only to freeze up in his final battle.

Nobody can predict how they’d do.

Of course, there are still consequences. They may even be just consequences.

Of course, we know a couple things about spree killings: left unchecked, they rack up horrific death tolls. And the best way to end them is to respond with immediate lethal force .

Something that cops have been taught, now, for a few decades.

I’ll let God decide whether Scot Peterson – the cop who busied himself searching the buildings on the Parkland campus that didn’t have gunfire coming from inside during the Stoneman-Douglas High School massacre – is truly culpable for freezing up, not “under fire” but under the threat of it. He was 56, nearing retirement, probably not too unlike Danny Glover’s character in the (fictional) Lethal Weapon series, and just “too old for this s**t”.

Because due to double jeopardy, that’s the next judgment that matters. Because a jury acquitted him of culpability in those deaths last week:

“If they need to really know the truth of what occurred… I’ll be there for them,” he said.

Mr Peterson, 60, put his head in his hands and began sobbing as the verdicts were read out in court in Fort Lauderdale.

After the verdict, Mr Peterson told reporters that he would like to talk to the parents of the students who were killed.

I am not the one to judge.

But I’ll defer to someone who is (emphasis added by me):

But Tony Montalto, whose daughter Gina was one of the students murdered, said he continued to blame Mr Peterson for not trying to stop the shooting.

“His inaction contributed to the shock, the devastation of students and teachers at that school,” Mr Montalto told reporters. “We don’t understand how this jury looked at the evidence that was presented and found him not guilty.”

“All I can say to the members of the jury is: ‘I think your school should hire him to protect your children,‘” he said.

The person who should be at trial, Sheriff Scott Israel, who held his officers back from confronting the maniac who murdered 17, and spent the rest of his disgraceful career as a gun control activist to deflect away from his own uselessness, has not been charged with anything. I don’t suspect he can be.

It’s a shame.


Fantasy: Group of mewling progressive soft (among other things) racists “plan” to “buy every eligible black American an AR-15”:

Progressive activists concerned about gun violence are launching a campaign to drum up the support they need to pass more restrictive gun laws. The group plans to purchase an AR-15 for every eligible black American to scare Republicans into backing stricter regulations on firearms.

“We’ve known for a long time that racist Republicans are terrified at the thought of black men owning guns,” said Shelby Harris, chief operating officer of “Unpull the Trigger,” a non-profit anti-gun group. “By making sure every black man has a rifle, we can finally get Republicans to support universal background checks, gun buybacks, and confiscation of assault weapons.”

Dubbed the “Scare the Racists Straight” initiative, this controversial proposal is intended to get Republican politicians and their conservative constituents on board with the effort to limit gun ownership as much as possible.

“It’s a really exciting project,” said Tiffany Petit. “When these racist rednecks see video after video of black men shooting assault weapons at the range and carrying them in public, they’ll get on the phone immediately to tell their Congressperson to support more gun control pronto!”

Reality: a day at the range is more egalitarian than almost anything in modern society…

…especially a DFL executive meeting of any kind.

Also – let the record show that “23 and Me” says I have a black ancestor in the past 6-7 generations. Please make mine a .300 Blackout if you’d be so kind.


Democrat have been trying to wedge hunters apart from other gun owners for decades.

And they’re not happy that its not working.


Oddly, that’s not the word the Strib used when Klink refudiated his “A” rating with the NRA. I’d use “stabbed in the back”, personally.

Anyway – welcome to the party, deer hunters.

This Year’s Breakout Star

Rep. Andy Smith, wannabe kommissar and ultraprogressive rep from Kim Norton’s side of Rochester, seems to see himself as a left-of-center Steven Crowder. Or at least, that’s how he comes across.

Here’s his ode to enabling Munchhausen Mommies:

He truly is one of Minnesota Progressivism’s intellectual thought leaders.

Anyhoo, yesterday was his birthday:

I celebrated by tripling my monthly donation to the MN Gun Owners Caucus.

I invite you to do the same.

And anyone who wants to challenge him? I will give you whatever airtime it takes.

Do Try To Keep Up

To: Senator Klobuchar
From: Mitch Berg, Obstreperous Peasant
Re: Hire A Better Social Media Intern


I’m not sure if you left your social media feed with your remedial intern last week, or if you – a former prosecutor – actually wrote this:

So let’s get this straight – you want to write a bill to “stop dangerous conversions”…

…that have been illegal on the federal level for nearly 90 years?

From The “Being A DFLer Requires Suspending Logic And Reason, If You Ever Had Any” Files

Just a quick reminder as to the level of intellectual acuity the DFL is bringing to this session.

Six Vs. A Half Dozen

Not gonna prevaricate: This kid had me pretty depressed (in a “howling with laughter” kind of way) last week:

This young lady was the perfect antidote:

Let the Great Sort continue!

On The Fast Track To “Berg’s Law” Status

Everyone’s got something to kvetch about in the Daniel Perry case.

The usual crowd on the left is whinging that a white guy, just convicted of murdering a BLM “protester”, is getting pardoned by Governor Abbot.

Another, much smarter, crowd is reminding the world, “uh, the ‘protester’ was being ‘mostly peaceful’ by pointing an AK47 at Perry”.

For my part? While I don’t know all the specifics, it’d seem the main factor in Perry’s conviction – in Austin, at the hands of a Soros prosecutor, naturally – apparently happened not because of what he did during the incident, but because of what he said before:

Perry’s defense team argued that he acted in self-defense, but prosecutors contended that Perry instigated what happened. They highlighted a series of social media posts and Facebook messages in which Perry made statements that they said indicated his state of mind, such as he might “kill a few people on my way to work. They are rioting outside my apartment complex.”

While I don’t know the details, a zealous prosecutor can use such statements to impeach your “unwilling participant” status. It appears similar to the case of Alan Scarsella, who did many stupid things after shooting at people pursuing him and his friends at a BLM protest outside the Fourth Precinct in Minneapolis in 2015, but who appears to have gone to prison mostly because of a video he posted on the way to the event bragging about mixing it up with protesters. A good attorney could have possibly suppressed that “evidence” – but he had a public defender, so he might be out of prison now.

Which brings us to the proposed Berg’s Law of Armed Self-Defense:

“The first rule of armed self-defense is, you never talk about armed self-defense.

Don’t joke about it with your friends. Don’t brag about it on social media. Don’t have an angry outburst about protesters or rioters where unfriendly ears might hear you.

Keep it, like your firearms, hidden under the proverbial bushel basket.

Like I would, if all my guns hadn’t fallen into Mille Lacs. Which is fine, because guns terrify me and I’d never use one on a fellow human.

This Is What Evil Looks Like

Man tries to rob parking lot attendant in New York. Shoots him twice. Attendant nonetheless takes the gun away, and shoots the attacker.

Police arrest the victim, charge him with illegal gun possession. For taking the gun used to try to kill him.

[Attendant Moussa Diarra, age 57] was shot twice during a tussle with suspected thief Charles Rhodie at Carolan’s West 31st Street garage early Saturday before using the accused man’s weapon to shoot him back.

Diarra was initially charged by cops in the case, including with criminal possession of a weapon for having Rhodie’s gun at one point, but Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office Sunday dropped the raps. Rhodie still faces charges including attempted murder.

Bragg’s office dropped the charges after public outcry.

Let’s emphasize that properly – it took public outcry to get these morally depraved charges against an innocent man who defended himself dropped.

And just so I’m clear, by “depraved” i mean “evil”.

When governments goal is to make people more afraid of the consequences of protecting themselves than of being victimized, there is no other word for it.

Just A Little Day Brightener

It’s a gloomy, cloudy Monday morning.

And yet my heart is dancing.

Because it’s another day alive in God’s creation? Sure. Goes without saying, but needs to be repeated anyway.

But beyond that? There’s this:

It’s the Anoka County Attorney slapping down Jamie Becker-Finn over the proposed “safe storage” bill, which would have required all guns to be stored unloaded, with ammo locked up separately from the guns, and required a carry permit to have an uncased, loaded gun in the home, allowing police wide latitude to barge in and check on the above.

It’s fairly clearly a Fourth Amendment shortcut. It would disproportionately affect Black and Latino gun owners. It’s patently unconstitutional.

And any day that starts with Rep. Becker-Finn getting water squirted on her nose is a good, glorious day.

Berg’s 18th Law Is Still In Full Effect

I’ll do my due diligence and make my usual reference to my self-coined but completely accurate dictum:

Berg’s Eighteenth Law of Media Latency

Nothing the media writes/says about any emotionally charged event – a mass shooting, a police shooting, anything – should be taken seriously for 48 hours after the original incident.  It will largely be rubbish, as media outlets vie to “scoop” each other even on incorrect facts.

I will continue to observe this law.

But to speculate just a bit? I’m going to go out on a short sturdy limb and guess mass shooting at the Covenant School disappears down the memory hole.

The shooter, y’see, is a former student who, while being almost universally “deadnamed” in the media by her original, female identity, seemed to be pretty actively presenting her…er, him…er, xheirself as (what biologists used to call) male:

That’s two spree killings in one. year carried out by gender-dysmorphic people. The avalanche of mental illness spurred on by the lockdowns and America’s general spiritual and emotional decline is paying dividends for those who benefit from both.

Darn that NRA.

And I’m sure various cultural cues, like this and this…

…were utterly unrelated.

By the way – like most spree killers, the murderer chose the target because there was less chance of resistance. The school was a “gun free zone”, and had other vulnerabilities that beckoned:

[Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake] answered, “Yes,” [that Covenant was the only school targeted] but noted there was another location the suspect considered striking as well. However, he said the suspect did “a threat assessment” of the other location and decided there was “too much security.

Draw your conclusions. I certainly am .

Unlike the Uvalde shooting, initial reports indicated the police response was fast, violent and decisive – something that the Feds long ago determined was a key factor for dealing with spree killers, and that this blog has noted time and again and again and again and again and again is of paramount importance in containing and ending these shootings.

How I Spent My Saturday

I did a prerecorded show, so I could attend the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus’s annual (after a few years off) Rally at the Capitol.

Huge crowd.

Great speakers – Rob Doar, Bryan Strawser, Reverend Tim Christopher, and an array of pro-2nd Amendment legislators.

Rob – the MNGOC’s political director – was able to announce that most of the DFL’s gun bills – the semi-auto/”Assault Weapons” ban, the magazine limits, banning guns for people under 21 – are dead this session.

But Universal Registration and Red Flag Confiscation bills could still leak through. Hence the rally – and Rob’s injunction that “we need ten of you for every one that’s here”.

If you’re not in the MNGOC already, consider this your engraved invitation.

By the way: I’ve been to a lot of these rallies – like, all of them, ever – and I’ve never seen a police presence like I did on Saturday.

State Patrol, all over the main level. There was an equal number of very bored officers at the lower entrace. There were SP and SPPD cars parked at most of the. intersections within a block or two of the Capitol.

Rumor had it that the cops had been told to expect trouble. No specifics about who was going to cause the trouble, or who felt it; I suspect the Speaker of the House and the Governor indulged their base and wanted to put on a show of force.

Notwithstanding, ,the cops were universally friendly, even helpful. Not to project, but they knew that nobody was going to cause problems.

Metaphor Alert

The latest Moms Want Action tweet. Like everything MWA says, it’s counterfactual…

…but let’s stick with appearances and play a game of “Where’s Waldo”, where “Waldo” = “a black person”.


See her back there? Peering over the shoulder of the woman with ELCA Hair, not that that narrows it down any?

White, upper-middle-class female, utterly entitled, and keeping a few minorities around as visual accessories.

There is no more perfect metaphor for the gun control movement.

As The Forefathers Warned

This is a new Australian Army recruiting video.

Who are they training to fight?



The Chinese?

After three years of absurdly restrictive Covid regulations met by some strenuous civil and less than civil resistance, they are not just training to fight Australians – who are officially disarmed – but they are putting that out that as a feature for recruiting new soldiers.

Who puts this kind of campaign together?

More troublingly – who do you think this sort of campaign appeals to?

From. My. Cold. Dead. Hand.

The Message We’re Receiving

To: All you Normies
From: The Elites
Re: Die, For All We Care


Your life, property and family, mere peasant, are not of enough value that we, your elites, should allow you a $500 handgun to protect them.

However, ours – we elites – are of such value that dropping double the income of a typical American household is perfectly fine:

Luxury real estate agent Branden Williams said protection dogs have become so popular among his mega-wealthy clients in L.A. that he’s now in the market for one himself, especially after a neighbor was robbed at gunpoint in Beverly Hills. Williams has tasked the same broker his mom used to buy her protection dog, a German shepherd imported from Germany, with finding him a suitable animal this year.

“I will say they’re not cheap; the ones I’m looking at are between $60,000 and $100,000,” he said. “It’s a whole other level of training; we’re not talking about doggy day care here.”

Just so you know the hierarchy of the universe.

(BTW – kudos to Lisa Bender, who at least got the spirit of things right, advocating gun control while getting private security on the taxpayer’s dime. Well done, Ms. Bender) .


Your Betters


Whenever your “progressive“ friends condescendingly coo “nobody’s coming after your guns“, just remember that career bureaucrat and St. Paul, representative Dave Pinto is out there plying his trade:

School counselors.

Leftist ministers at “progressive“ churches

Marriage counselors, with six hyphenated last names.

These are a partial listthe people that today’s DFL wants to give control over your civil rights.

By the way – where to fight that mental health crisis, making half the population distrust the mental health industry.

The Dicken Drill

Noticed a lot more people shooting at silhouettes waaaaaay down at the other end of the range lately?

Blame Elisha Dicken, the hero of last summer’s attempted spree killing in Indiana, who put eight out of ten shots into a would-be mass murderer at a range of 40 yards, under the stress of shooting at someone out to murder everyone he could see.

Massood Ayoob comments on the episode, the drill – and comments on some other attempted spree killings ended by good guys with guns….

…at ranges that seem like they’re from Davy Crockett tales.

Go Time

Governor Klink released his gun control proposals yesterday.

Did he propose to push metro prosecutors to use the sentence enhancement for using guns to commit crime?

Perish the thought, simple peasant.

No, the usual California-stye gruel: magazine capacity limits, age limits, and most importantly gun registration [1].

It’s time to turn out.

The Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus is holding its annual “Lobby Day” on Thursday morning. Come on down to the Capitol. Members of the Caucus will meet you, show you how to find your Rep and Senator in the various office buildings, and help you represent gun owners, face to face, to our legislature.

The legislature takes these days seriously since they know that unlike the astroturf clutches of biddies with ELCA Hair that ProtectMN and Moms Want Action sends waddling around the place, we represent a hell of a lot of actual voters that consider the 2nd Amendment a litmus test. And there are a lot of us out there. Enough to flip a chamber or two in 2024? Yep.

Hope to see you there on Thursday morning!

[1] They’re called “Universal Background Checks” – but the only way to make them “universal” is to keep track of which guns have been background-checked. This creates a set of linked data points – or, as they’re called in the information management business, a “database” . Ringing a bell, yet?


Most Illinois counties say they will refuse to enforce Governor Pritzker’s unconstitutional “assault weapon” ban:

Edwards County Sheriff Darby Boewe wrote in a statement that part of his duty is to protect the right to keep and bear arms.

“The right to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty, and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people,” Boewe wrote. “Therefore, as the custodian of the jail and chief law enforcement officer for Edwards County, that neither myself or my office will be checking to ensure that lawful gun owners register their weapons with the State, nor will we be arresting or housing individuals that have been charged solely with noncompliance of this act.”

The statement was drafted by Illinois Sheriffs’ Association Executive Director Jim Kaitschuk, according to ABC News, and sent out to sheriff’s departments to use or make edits if desired.

DuPage, Sangamon, and Iroquois counties are among the 74 departments that have released similarly modified statements. Iroquois County Sheriff Clinton Perzee said he would not use his jails to detain people exercising their civil rights, according to the Lake and McHenry County Scanner.

Just your periodic reminder that, outside America’s moldy blue core cities, gun control is largely dead.

Largely .

Like the villain in “Scream”, it will keep bouncing back until we finally cut the head off.

A Guy With A Gun

Last week, an armed robber at a Taqueria in Houston, Texas got tuned up by a guy with a gun.

I desperately want to call him a “good guy with a gun“. pinky swear, I do. An armed robber f**ked around, and he found out.

Warning: not for the faint of heart. Somebody dies in this video.

Remember; to claim self-defense (and win a trial, if it comes to that), you have to show five things:

You are innocent (or not the aggressor)

You reasonably fear, death are great bodily harm

That threat is immediate.

you use only the force needed to end that threat.

It’s Texas, so there is no duty to retreat

My two cents worth:

  • The first four shots are perfectly good
  • Shots five through eight might be explainable, by a decent lawyer.
  • Shot number nine? Looks like an execution. AYou’re going to need a very good lawyer indeed.
  • Leaving the scene afterwards? Could be problematic.

This show – two self defense lawyers discussing the case – is two of the better hours. I’ve seen on the subject. It’s well worth a watch.

It’s a cautionary episode, indeed.

Our Two National Liabilities

Among the welter of new laws going into effect at every level of government this past week are two one must suspect the MN DFL “trifecta” will trot out sooner than later; gun insurance.

San Jose passed a municipal ordinance requiring gun owners carry liability insurance.

Notably, the kinds of coverage mandated by the ordinance would not cover the overwhelming majority of firearms incidents that tend to be the subject of public concern. To start, homeowners and renters policies only extend coverage for injuries to third parties. Generally, this would mean guests, contract workers, or other visitors to the insured’s property, or in some cases, to third parties who were injured by the insured off-premises. Injuries to other members of the household would not be insured. Thus, the paradigmatic example of a tragic firearms accident—a child gets hold of an unsecured firearm and injures his or her sibling—would not be covered.

Naturally, this depends on the integrity of the state’s insurance regulators. After New York’s attack on the NRA’s carry insurance program, it’d seem that trust is misplaced, at least in all “Blue” states.

Depending on one’s point of view, the new law in New Jersey would appear to be even more insidious, or comically incompetent; it doesn’t specifically rule out insuring illegal activities with guns:

As to whether it would violate New Jersey insurance law to extend coverage to criminal acts, the question is—as it is in many states—somewhat complicated. But ultimately, the state Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld exclusions for “expected or intended” injury as barring coverage, including in Voorhees v. Preferred Mutual Insurance Co. (1992), SL Industries v. American Motorists Insurance Co. (1992), and Harleysville Insurance Cos. v. Garitta (2001). Moreover, in 1990’s Figueroa v. Hartford Insurance Co., the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey held that an injured party could be collaterally estopped from suing a third-party’s insurer to relitigate questions of intent where that intent had been settled in a previous criminal action, such as by a guilty judgment or plea.

At a minimum, it can therefore be said that New Jersey insurance law broadly permits exclusions for intentional acts in personal liability policies and that state courts have shown deference to criminal proceedings as dispositive in settling questions of intent (which isn’t necessarily true in all states.) Given that backdrop, a broad reading of A. 4769’s text would appear to require the state’s firearms owners to obtain coverage that does not actually exist, particularly in the wake of regulatory actions to shut down the NRA’s Carry Guard program. That would amount to a de facto ban on firearms ownership, directly contravening the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, even before applying the Court’s more recent Bruen test.

I can see the MNDFL majority copying and pasting either law.

Twitter: Not The Only Fed Sock Puppet

Anti-gun groups peddled influence in the Centers for Disease Control to gundeck research that showed defensive gun uses by civilians are common. It’s just bad for business, if you’re a gun grabber.

The decision to remove a CDC-commissioned report from the agency’s website on gun statistics at the apparent behest of gun-control advocates may further strain its relationship with Congressional overseers, especially pro-gun Republicans who are set to take control of the House next year. The relationship between the two, already frayed over the Coronavirus pandemic, could reach new lows not seen in decades. During the 1990s, Congress put restrictions on CDC funding in response to officials openly working with gun-control groups to try and ban handguns.

“We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes,” Mark Rosenberg, director of the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention, told The Washington Post in 1994. “It used to be that smoking was a glamour symbol–cool, sexy, macho. Now it is dirty, deadly–and banned.”

Kleck, Professor Emeritus at Florida State University’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, stood by his research. He said the CDC did not reach out to him for his perspective before making the change. He argued the removal of the reference to his estimate was “blatant censorship” and said it was evidence of the politicization of the agency.

Kleck – a Democrat – has been a Thomas Becket to the gun grabbers’ Henry II for three decades now. Seems the grabbers have decided to cut out the middleman.

First Covid, now putting a finger on the scale re guns.

I’m building a list of alphabet agencies some future GOP administration is going to need to gut, using the Marines if necessary.

UPDATE: Becket. Not More. Blah

Mission Creepy

I used to think DFLers merely counted on voters being ignorant.

I was young and naive.

They actively promote ignorance:

Senator Morrison is an M.D, so she certainly isn’t stupid. She must know that the imponderably vast majority of those “children”. are boys aged 14+ who are involved in crime, mostly murdered by other young men like themselves, likewise started on the wrong path bright and early in life.

She must know that the only things that actually work to prevent that sort of carnage are:

  • Using the sentencing enhancements for gun crimes that so helped in cleaning up New York City thirty years ago – the type that Mike Freeman and John Choi never use on criminals of any age, and that Mary Moriarty hahahahahahaha I can’t even finish the sentence with a straight face.
  • Intervening with youth at risk of going into The Life.

Certainly she’s had this shown to her. There’s no way that hasn’t happened.

So she’s counting on promoting ignorance.

Look for a lot of that this session.