The Crack Of Doom

Leah Barkoukis notes something that should replace the tingles in Chris Matthews’ and Barack Obama’s legs with chills of dread.

For this entire election, the Obama Administration, and Democrats up and down the food chain, have been laboring mightily to pound a couple of sound bites into voters’ heads; that Republicans will take away contraception and send illegal immigrants back across the border and give tax breaks to billionaires while soaking the middle class, that Barack Obama ended the war on terror by killing Osama Bin Laden, and that the economy is chugging right back to life and even if it doesn’t it’s Bush’s fault anyway.

These are aimed at the “Low-Information Voter” –  the people who don’t care much about politics, who don’t really follow issues in depth, whose votes are swayed by the loudest chanting points in their minds when they go to the polls (among those who can be convinced, at any rate; union Democrats and single-issue pro-lifers don’t figure in this).

But what happens if the meme rattling about the low-information voters’ heads isn’t fictional wars on womyn and the poor?  What if, in spite of the media’s best efforts, the single “chanting point” on their mind is the one they see with their own eyes, and hear from their families and friends?  That the economy sucks and nobody cares who inherited it from whom?

That, Barkoukis says, is Why Lindsay Lohan’s Endorsement Matters:

Lohan is a low information voter convinced that (a) employment is really important, (b) thinks that employment is not being sufficiently handled by the White House right now and (c) thinks that Mitt Romney is better equipped to handle employment.

That arguably logical sequence is all that it takes for a low-information voter to support Mitt Romney. The thing is, there are millions of voters like her. That should terrify the Obama campaign.

A stopped clock is right twice a day.  It is a fact that Obama’s policies will institutionalize U6 numbers in the double digits.  Linday Lohan may not know what a U6 number is.  Either may your underemployed nephew who graduated from college with a degree in anthropology two years ago and has been temping ever since while living in your sister’s basement.  But both of them – your idiot nephew and Lohan, whose father is reportedly unemployed – know what their lying eyes tell them.

One b-list actress and rolling train wreck isn’t a trend, of course.  But let’s presume for a monent that a significant chunk of low-information voters are, improbably, focused on something that matters.  Bad news for Obama, ja?

Question for Minnesota:  does this mean Minnesota voters will shun the Alliance for a Better Minnesota’s low-info voter campaign?

Or, counterintuitively, does the success of the GOP legislature in taming the state’s fake “deficit” and helping unemployment edge down to a near-low in the US actually harm them in the battle for the not-overly-informed?