3 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Poland

  1. I am pleased with the record voter turnout, especially in the largest cities. Voters clearly wanted change, especially younger ones.

    In a fraught world where populism, polarization and post truth politics appear on the ascendant and the PiS were a prime example, it’s reassuring to know that the majority of Polish people want parties respectful of the rule of law, an independent judiciary, minorities and support for Ukraine. It’s good that Poland has rejoined the EU so to speak. It will make it easier to deal with Putin sympathizer Orban.

  2. All the significant parties in Poland know who the real enemy is.

    Would that America’s center-to-left were so wise.

  3. Tusk is facing a divided Poland in a divided Europe. He will have to tread carefully, not everyone is happy about his victory in Poland. No doubt Polish PiS populists have greatly contributed to these divisions. But the “progressive” alliance in Brussels has not helped neither. The EU must find a solution to the migration issue that it is not only in accordance with its values (and rightfully so), but also workable. And the Poles (and the rest of Central Europe) were right to point out at the fact that the current arrangements are not functional, but rather naive. The pro-Hamas protests in European capitals in the last weeks have shown that integration Western Europe-way has failed, let us admit that. Above all, Brussels and the Western members should address the slow pace with which the Central Europe is catching up with the Western Member States, in particular when it comes to infrastructure. Also important will be to slow down the ultra-liberal (to some almost Woke) obsession of the EU with the LGBT+ agenda — an obsession that triggered an ultra-conservative backslash from the East. There should be room for decent conservative ideas in the mainstream, otherwise these voices are pushed to nasty margins. After all, there is life and there is politics beyond the LGBT+ issues.

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