Berg’s 18th Law Is A Rhetorical And Moral Gill Net, Whose Reach Has No Escape

I’ll admit to two things:

  1. Having seen how the radical left works up close and personal, when I saw the Capitol riot the week before last I thought “I’d wager a shiny new quarter they had some “encouragement” from provocateurs from the left””.
  2. At the same time, after two months of hearing about legal “Krakens” that turned out to be Ewoks in court, I’ve noted that some in the MAGA crowd have a certain flair for issueing, and consuming, information you may not want to stake your life on.
  3. On the other hand, the response from the Left – “There was never any provocation, Winston” – seemed just a little…pat?

And so re-read Berg’s 18th Law, and waited to see what happened.

And sure enough:

Read the whole thread.

Of course, saying “the “Anti”-Fa guy made me do it” is a flimsy defense, legally and morally.

But this is a reminder to all of you who might be involved in any sort of public demonstraiton for conservative causes: keep tape rolling. Photograph everything and everyone that seems out of place, and perhaps more importantly everyone that seems waaaaaaaay to enthusiastically “in place”.

We learned this during the Tea Party, when the shills were amateurs. Now it’s the “A” team, and they are getting people killed.

79 thoughts on “Berg’s 18th Law Is A Rhetorical And Moral Gill Net, Whose Reach Has No Escape

  1. Sullivan, I’ve heard, was the first to break a window, FWIW a tactic or signal used to trigger looting in the #BLM riots.
    I’ve heard that Sullivan has mental problems & his family has staged interventions in the past.
    But we still do not know enough to say for certain what happened, what “caused” the invasion and looting of the capitol.
    The constitution, and especially the bill of rights, is the fabric that knits this country together, and we have been living under an extra-constitutional system of governors’ emergency orders for ten months. Creating a stable nation is a work of genius, destroying is certainly in the skill set of the idiots that make up our intellectual and political leadership.

  2. Tard Joe, when Mitch says “after two months of hearing about legal “Krakens” that turned out to be Ewoks in court, I’ve noted that some in the MAGA crowd have a certain flair for issueing, and consuming, information you may not want to stake your life on,” he’s talking about you and your voting machine software updates and cardboard over the windows.

  3. “FBI vetting Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack”

    Pedo Joe and Kameltoe (most popular candidates everrr) require the presence of 25,000 armed troops to keep the adorning crowds at least 1000 yds away at all times.

    But they can’t trust their troops, either. But they trust the FBI….uh huh.

    Fidel Castro’s inagurations were classier and more believable. Pedo Joe is going to have to step his game up fast or Kameltoe will poison his gruel ahead of schedule.

  4. Who knew that Trump was behind anti-fa as well as the MAGA people?
    Trump’s mind control powers are immense. Only JK and Emery have been known to withstand them.
    Unless they, too, are under Trump’s mind control rays & are running a false flag op unknown even to themselves?
    Wheels within wheels, my friend, wheels within wheels.

  5. MO @ 8:49, and to the idea of causation and blame and who starts what, who breaks the first window yada yada.

    It is so obvious a 100  percent true statement that there is crossover attendance at these demonstrations.  The BLM protests are drawing some righty hooligans and the MAGA protests are drawing some BLM.  These little cadres of the one group going to the other’s protest, they are looking for confrontation and trouble and street fights.  It’s counter protesting.

    At the point derelict John Sullivan gets to break a window, it’s more that than anything else, just a hooligan taking his chance to break a window…. It isn’t an inducement or the planting of a false flag.

  6. I never claimed anything about a “false flag” operation.
    All I have done is state the obvious: that trying to determine who & what “caused” the riot at this point is dumb.
    This morning the AP printed a story pointing the finger of guilt at some pro-Trump group called “Women for America First.”
    Suspiciously, “Women for America First” has refused to return the AP’s phone calls. Also suspiciously, they were nowhere near the capitol building, but held their protest near the White House, apparently in a bid to appear to have nothing to do with the riots.

  7. JK

    he’s talking about you and your voting machine software updates and cardboard over the windows.

    Well, sort of.

    Of course, the same can be said about “boogaloo boys”, the “wave of white supremacist terror that’ll dwarf 9/11” that the left has been promising for a decade and a half, and the “there IS NO FRAUD” and “the media is NOT biased!” (not to mention all references to “the Southern Stragegy”) chanting points as well.

  8. Mitch @ 9:24: “Yeah, but whatabout….”

    I will tell you whatabout…  I have been hearing for decades now from the right that the right is supposed to have a better judgment of reality and truth.  So for you to argue “well, the left certainly doesn’t observe reality very well either” is a big come down.

    …that’s one thing.

  9. There was live footage of all the counting centers. CNN has footage of reprobates taping up the windows in Detroit. CBS showed a reprobate flat out telling GOP observers they were not allowed to watch in Milwaukee. ABC recorded a reprobate ward heeler in Philly refusing entrance to GOP observers, who had a court order in their hands. You can still watch reprobates drag boxes of ballots from their hiding place in Atlanta once the all clear was sounded.

    But ask any reprobate, and they’ll tell you “That never happened”, and then let drool run out their gobs.

    Meanwhile, they’re swearing in the most popular Presidential candidate ever on Wednesday; dude got more votes than the population of Poland. But the Capital mall is surrounded by a 20′ tall fence, with concertina wire on top which is being guarded by armed military. All that’s lacking is an Arbeit Macht Frei sign welcoming invited guests…. Even the top tier reprobates don’t believe the bullshit.

  10. John Sullivan, speaking at a BLM rally in DC last summer:
    ““we about to burn this shit down,” “we got to rip Trump out of office . . . fucking pull him out of that shit . . . we ain’t waiting until the next election . . . we about to go get that motherfucker.””

    Poor bastard . . . I bet he let his tin foil hat slip for a moment . . . just for a moment! Perhaps while bathing, or while experiencing an intimate moment with a loved one. Or perhaps an errant breeze lifted, for a fraction of a second, the argent shield of sanity from his close-cropped head.
    And that’s all it took for Trump’s mind control rays to turn Sullivan into a MAGA slave, ever eager to obey orders from the Svengali of Pennsylvania Avenue.
    The traditional penalty for treason is a gruesome procedure called “drawing and quartering.” Perhaps, as a gesture of mercy, given to honor Sullivan’s earlier service in urging people to “burn this shit down” and pull Trump out of the White House, that sentence might be commuted to just the “drawing” part? If it pleases Madame Pelosi, Sullivan’s head could still be impaled on a pike set in the national mall.
    This would be a fit lesson for all loyal Americans! Keep your tinfoil hat screwed down tight on your head! Use duct tape, if necessary, to keep it in place! And above all, do not look directly into Trump’s eyes, and also avert your eyes from images of the White House. You will find damnation, not salvation, there!

  11. There’s no evidence that John Sullivan incited the insurrection or utilized a “tactic or signal used to trigger looting in the #BLM riots.”

    Sullivan uploaded a video showing his perspective. There’s no legitimate evidence that Trump’s insurrectionists were infiltrated or “led” by Antifa.

    Another swing and a miss by Preacher Berg to his flock of conspiracy theorists. The dipshittery and asshattery continues on SiTD.

    The Editor wants clicks, not honesty.

  12. It is Emery’s opinion that Sullivan was not inciting riot when he said this (from the FBI’s affadavit):
    “At another time in the video, SULLIVAN is walking down a hallway in the
    U.S.Capitol with a large group of people. SULLIVAN pans to a closed door and can be heard saying, “Why don’t we go in there.” After someone hits against the door, SULLIVAN can be heard saying, “That’s what I’m sayin’, break that shit.”

  13. Mitch, can I get paid with a small percentage of your clicks? “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

  14. Say, Reek? You need to reach out to Sullivan right away and offer your legal services. You got this shit wrapped up tighter than Mandingo Faphammer’s jaws during electro-shock therapy, dude.

  15. There is no evidence leftist infiltrators caused the Capitol riot.
    There is no evidence Democrats stole the Presidential election.
    There is no evidence Jeffery Epstein was murdered to silence him.
    There is no evidence . . .

    . . . and yet, we wonder. If everything was perfectly above-board and honest, why impose extreme measures to prevent the public from verifing it? Why does the truth need to be protected from inquiry?

  16. Remind me which branch of the Oath Keepers or Three Percenters John Sullivan was affiliated with. Also — what is the ratio of former/active military insurrectionists to Antifa?

    SiTD is suggesting that Trump addressed a cheering crowd of Antifa activists, and encouraged them to storm the Capitol? I can’t wait to read the defense/rationale behind that.

    Also, the GOP West Virginia delegate? And the fact that Parler had been blowing up for days, as have Trumpalos social media pages, conspiring to descend on DC and storm the Capitol at Trump’s behest? Just an astounding coincidence?

    There’s a level of cognitive dissonance that’s notable here. Similar of that to the outreach of certain Republicans in Congress who say:
    “If you don’t impeach, we will unify with you and work with Biden for the good of the country.”

  17. SiTD is suggesting that Trump addressed a cheering crowd of Antifa activists, and encouraged them to storm the Capitol?

    Where in the world do you get that?

    There’s a level of cognitive dissonance that’s notable here

    Yes. Entirely on your part. One of the modern Democratic movement’s thought leaders was involved in goading people into riot.

    And those people bear culpablity for that action (you’re a prog, so let me know if I need to explain the concept to you). But let’s not pretend that the left wasn’t treating this as a crisis not to waste.

  18. There’s no evidence that John Sullivan incited the insurrection

    Well, then the federal case against him should be dismissed on summary judgment, shouldn’t it?

    Any bets?

  19. ^ Merg @ 11:37

    I don’t know if this is you speaking with the obtsuseness of a Joe Doakes or what, but there’s no “incitement” that Sullivan is charged with violating.  He’s not charged with “incitement” under 18 and 40 USC.  It’s trespassing and mayham stuff that he’s charged with, like everyone else.  Who incited what is a blog argument.

    I will in fact bet that his case won’t be dismissed on summary judgment.

  20. Mr. Lincoln was sworn in for his second term on March 4, 1865. It is worth noting today for several reasons.

    First, although drawing to a conclusion the War of Northern Aggression was still going. Lincoln addressed the huge crowd without any sort of protection. There was not 1 soldier in or around the dias he spoke from. There was no razor wire; no armed guards. It was a somber affair, for the country was deeply divided. So Lincoln tempered his remarks…

    “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations.”

    On Wednesday, January 20th, the most popular Presidential candidate in the history of the United States will be sworn in. His supporters say he garnered more votes than any other candidate in history, in an election that was the most transparent and fair in history.

    We do not know if Pedo Joe will address any crowd, but it seems unlikely as 25,000 armed National Guards have taken up positions all over the District, most streets on Capital hill have been barricaded, and a wire fence, 20′ tall and topped with razor wire surrounds the Capital plaza. And that is to say nothing about Pedo Joe’s frail condition; it’s not likely he could stand on his own to feet long enough to give an address…or read it coherently.

    Pedo Joe has called for “healing” while also describing the people who voted for his opponent “racists”, “terrorists”, “liars”, “Nazis” and worse. Mind you, that is at least 74 million people who’s votes made it through the gauntlet of fraud and did not get destroyed or altered. The top leaders of his party have called for ongoing retribution against all of them; they have a list of people singled out for special attention. It is not an idle threat, as leftist operatives have been stalking Trump’s supporters for 4 years now; attacking them online and in person.

    If Mr. Lincoln had decided to have troops deployed, it is highly likely he would have trusted them. Pedo Joe has directed the FBI, itself a highly discredited arm of the Justice Department, to question the loyalty of each and every one of the 25,000 troops he has called to protect him from the people he and his VP, Kameltoe Harris, mean to rule over.

    The American Civil war ended on April 9, 1865. An estimated 620,000 men lay dead, 400,000 were wounded. It’s a casualty count that is more than America lost in both World Wars. In the current year, we can count the dead and wounded of the first skirmishes in our developing conflict on one hand, but it seems clear the reprobates will not be sated until much blood is spilled.

    If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, does anyone think he would stand on any stage with Pedo Joe Biden, Kameltoe Harris or any of the top reprobate party officials?

  21. I’ll take a crack at the superseding point of Merg’s blog post, and keep it very, very on-topic.

    That John Sullivan, BLMer, got arrested at the riot does not actually illustrate the 1/6 certification riot as an example of Merg’s 18th such that it’s supposed to be a revealing detail that contradicts the reflexive, on the scene analysis “when it happened”.

    The immediate, reflexive analysis “when it happened” was the Coup de Tard was the Trump rally people storming the capital, with some pre-meditation having been ginned up over a week of Parler chat.

    That’s what it appeared to be in the moment, that’s what it is.  John Sullivan is merely a curious, interesting detail.

    If you think the truth is different, you’re somewhere between disingenuous and deluded.

  22. And the fact that Parler had been blowing up for days,
    Next, Emery will explain us about the “the Twitters people.”

  23. The SiTD Editorial Board doesn’t care if it’s true or not. They only care that the reader blindly believes it. That’s the whole point.

  24. “what is the ratio of former/active military insurrectionists to Antifa?”

    Whatever it is now, it’s bound to skyrocket when Pedo Joe increases the recruitment efforts in the tranny / pedophilia communities.

  25. Emery on January 18, 2021 at 2:09 pm said:
    The SiTD Editorial Board doesn’t care if it’s true or not. They only care that the reader blindly believes it. That’s the whole point.

    MBerg didn’t predict Brexit would fail.
    But Emery did.
    MBerg didn’t predict Hillary would win in 2016.
    But Emery did.
    MBerg didn’t believe that the Mueller report would show Trump colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.
    But Emery did.

  26. I am pretty sure that Emery has mentioned “Dominion” more than any other commenters on SITD.

  27. If the Right were to overthrow the Deep State and line up Socialists, Communists, and Trolls against the wall to end their threat to America, the quality of the discussion around here would skyrocket.

    Alas, I doubt it’s so.

  28. 👆Pretty weak sauce there Woolly.

    Why don’t you send that back up to rewrite and have them punch it up a bit. SiTD has editorial standards to measure up to….

  29. Maximum Marimba Overload wrote:
    Something.. something .. “Dominion”

    After they sue Lindell for everything he has, The Dominion Voting Machine & Pillow Corporation is going to be huge!

  30. I kinda hope Lindell fights Dominion. I have never heard of a company that didn’t cut corners and keep things hidden from its customers. I doubt if Dominion is any different, or if the corporate Dominion lawyer-drones know anything about the company’s actual operations.

  31. Tard Joe @t 4:32: “If the Right were to overthrow the Deep State and line up Socialists, Communists, and Trolls against the wall to end their threat to America, the quality of the discussion around here would skyrocket.”

    You’re a deeply unserious mind Tard Joe, and should be almost as much an embarrassment to Merg and his blog as Swiftee.

    To the extent its been said on this blog that you’re a lawyer… I don’t believe it, I think that’s got to be a lie, fabulism, BS, etc.  Everything you write within these pages is not the writing of a lawyer, even a pretty poor one.   You’re way dumber than a bad lawyer.

  32. Tard Joe and the SiTDers: “we’re not fascists, but we’d really like to put the lefties against the wall and…”

  33. I’m calling you on this claim you’re a lawyer Tard Joe.  Give the deets.  Where’s your bachelors from, where’s your JD from, when you pass the bar, etc.

    I think that’s got to be a lie, fabulism, BS, etc.  Everything you write within these pages is not the writing of a lawyer, even a pretty poor one.   You’re way dumber than a bad lawyer.    

  34. Congratulations, John, your 9:04 surprised me. My lowest expectations of you were not low enough.

    You have no standing to make demands here. You are a troll. You come here to mock and sneer. You contribute nothing useful to any discussion. You are a net drain on this website. If you had manners or courtesy, you would leave and never return. Sadly . . .

    Like all Liberals, you are invested in credentialism, division, and pidgeon-holing. This obsession of yours with my profession is an example. Believe it or not, as you choose. If you have a problem with me well then, you have a problem. I am who I am. Deal.

    In the end, your 9:04 ends in the same sorry fashion as all your posts: “You’re dumb, not smart like me.” Go to bed, little missy; the grown-ups are talking.

  35. JK,

    Two things:

    First: I honor peoples’ pseudonymity. Including – ahem – yours, Mr. “Kraephammer”.

    People have reasons for not wanting their actual identity visible publicly, and as long as people mind their manners, I don’t care. Some – Emery and EI – do mind their manners, more or less. Others – “Dog Gone”, “Doug” – didn’t, and after months or years of decreasingly gentle warnings, they are now pining for the rhetorical fjords.

    That’s been my policy ever since I’ve had comments, in 2003.

    I’ve met “Joe” personally, several times – unlike, as far as I know, you – in real life. Joe is a lawyer. As he’s noted elsewhere, he works in an environment where being “outed” as a conservative would be a problem. I know this is a real thing, because I know of one job of my own that went sideways when the “tolerant” progs in management found out about my personal politics, and have suspicions about another.

    So – Joe’s a lawyer, and he’s got no reason to let anyone doxx him. Move along.

    Second: Call people whatever you want elsewhere, but referring to someone as a “Tard” is a no-go.

    I don’t often feel the need to police peoples’ language – y’all are grownups, mostly – but I’ll ask you to retire that one, here.


  36. “Tard Joe and the SiTDers: “we’re not fascists, but we’d really like to put the lefties against the wall and…”

    a) It’s a common rhetorical construct. Not elegant, but not uncommon.

    b) You’re not trying to goad people into an improvident reaction at all, are you? You? Naaaah.

  37. Merg, 

    It is not my actual expectation or real desire that anyone be doxxed.  It is more so that I think he’s a juvenile thinker at best, and it’s superficially hard to believe he’s a lawyer.  It’s a point, and that’s the point. Insert Ranier Wolfcastle “that’s the joke’ gif here.  

    I don’t take your request for me to moderate my language seriously such that you make your comment threads a safe space for vulgarian racist Swiftee.  Tard Joe it stays, such that I care to participate here.  I’ll be receptive to you “asking” when you moderate the rest of your misfit commenters.  Such a Nancy move man, asking one of two contrarians here to tone it down.

    I’ll *probably* get bored and move on for a period of weeks before I come back.

  38. “Joe and the SiTDers: “we’re not fascists….”

    Uh, hold up there cowgirl.

    Unlike Communism, Fascism has worked every time it was tried; that is why Communists hate Fascists.

    Chile, Portugal, and after WWII, Spain (despite continued guerilla war from leftists), thrived under Fascist regimes. I leave out Italy, because siding with Germany was a fatal mistake.

    Salazar is still remembered by many as the greatest figure in the Portugal’s history. Pinochet saved millions of Chileans from starving to death under Communism, instituted a capitalist economy and made Chile the most prosperous country in Latin America, reducing poverty from 40% to 15%.

    The only people that did not thrive were the stinking Communists (although they did learn to fly in Chile 😂)…a feature, not a flaw.

    Given the choice between the degenerate shit-show America is turning into, and Spain under Franco, Portugal under or Chile under Pinochet, the intelligent observer picks Fascism every time.

  39. I don’t take your request for me to moderate my language seriously such that you make your comment threads a safe space for vulgarian racist Swiftee.

    Well, that’s an easy fix. Ban Mandingo Faphammer, and “Swiftee”, “Tom” and the rest of his alter egos go with him. Boom! No more racism or sexual degeneracy!

    I’m a helper; I help.

  40. Swiftee: “Actually I am a fascist”

    Is this the same “Swiftee” that’s in the Klan, or a new one? I swear, your personality schisms are multiplying exponentially. Do you know what the date is today, Faphammer?

  41. Here’s a fun activity, to take your mind off the voices in your head, Faphammer.

    Why don’t you try and refute Dr. Pete Strunk’s (that’s me, btw) observations? I know, it’s going to take more than one sentence, and you’ll probably have to look up some words, but give it a go, eh?

  42. Tom, you haven’t actually managed your anonymity well here with pseudonyms.  I mean, it’s managed well enough so that you can make your profoundly weird comment posts and probably not have it cross over into real life… but it isn’t managed well enough to not reveal who you are such that it had to be figured out.

  43. Here’s your refutation:  I like capitalism and think it’s superior to collectivism.  Capitalism != Fascism.

  44. Well, Faphammer, you couldn’t even make one sentence coherent. It was too big a job for you, as I knew it would be.

    Perhaps now, you’ll take your troupe of alter egos and leave your intellectual betters to discuss matters among themselves. Twitter is your venue; trust me here.

  45. JK,

    I neither endorse nor especially approve of all the language Dr. Strunk uses.

    But “Tard” is personal. You may consider that unfair – you might even be right. Them’s the breaks.


    I’ll be receptive to you “asking” when you moderate the rest of your misfit commenters

    Your “receptiveness” is really not important. Drop it from the vocabulary while you’re here. Or start your own blog and say what you want to say anytime you want.

    If there’s something I need to discuss with Dr. Strunk, that’s something I’ll discuss separately.

    That’s all.

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